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Watch movies online for free and make a splash

Many comedies never run short of bikini-clad women. The film “Swimsuit: The Movie” (1997) is definitely not an exception, especially with its title. This mockumentary is about a group of swimsuit models hired by a non-existent Chemical company to shoot a product catalogue as a cover-up for its dirty deeds. The film spoofs the whole Baywatch-Sports Illustrated obsession with scantily-dressed calendar girls as it follows the travails of models forced to front for a company covering up oil spills, defective breast implants, and synthetic food substitutes which they’re accountable for.

Swimsuit: The Movie” isn’t likely to win any major film achievement awards, but comedies like this can actually be so bad that they’re hilarious. Films such as these even have a cult following of critics as well as moviegoers. Just sit back, relax and check your brain at the door, because you’re not going to need it for this one.

When you’re able to watch movies online free, you can experiment with all kinds of movie genres risk-free. That’s hundreds of movies or features at your disposal any time of the day, week, or month. All you need is a steady internet connection and you’re all set.

Streaming movies on demand are open 24/7 year-round with literally hundreds of titles to choose from. The best part is that this service is legal and free. Have your mates over and laugh the days and nights away with marvellous comedies, spoof films, mockumentaries and many other movies.

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